
the ENDLESS SUMMER of 1979

"this is MY endless SUMMER..." where I wanted to CHANGE the world - before the world CHANGED me... in 1979, anything could happen...
(ah... all my female characters look the same.. ARRGH! This is an old story I've been having to try my hand at a Shonen romance manga [Chotto matte, Bakayaro!!].. hopefully something that does NOT become a battle manga that I so love. I finally have a way to make it interesting to me by giving it a historical perspective and also connecting it to my other crazy stories... We'll see if it makes the cut.)



Anonymous yuuu~ said...

So much good art lately! :D I think my time back here in the states has pushed me to want to draw more too. I finished the design for the character you helped me with (many thanks for that, I'll scan once I get back to Honkieville), but I don't know. I've felt restless lately. I've been tossing around this story idea, but feel like I want to start fresh, but... I have no idea with what. I think I just need to start drawing random crap again and let a story birth itself from that. Those resulted in some of the best stories, perhaps.

Forgive me, I'm drinking soujuu at 12am to pass the time ^^;

12:06 AM  

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