
who is Bonifacio & "Z"?

I've had my RED BULL for this morning... but now what to do.. Here's a little comic strip I did behind one of my Dilbert Calendar pages. The world rotates differently when you give up drinking coffee
o_o -{oroooooo...)

B&S Roadshow (NO1-P1)

In a totally unrelated random tangential mental association...
One thing I keep on forgetting is that, starting a Manga with just a TITLE and CHARACTER DESIGNS instead of a solid story is a very, very bad idea. Nonetheless, I can't help but get attached to a catchy line and a pair of funny looking guys. Anyways I need more angst... because "...with no angst, there is no art." ^_^



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta catch up on my commenting...:)

Although I think I missed the punchline (maybe because I really have no idea how guns are constructed ^^;;;), I have to say that those are some darn kawaii superdeformed weapons. :D

And how is drinking Red Bull any better than drinking coffee in the morning??? @_@

BTW, I can rent you some of my personal angst for the low, low price (ha!) of a cross-country phone call, if you ever need a little extra to stick on the trouble spots. Lawd knows I'm not using it for my own art (*ANGSTS*). ;)

Ex Animo

5:23 AM  
Blogger Sniperboy said...

J. you are supposed to use a punch and a hammer to remove the rear sight on a rifle in order to mount a rifle scope... at any rate it's not very wise to put your teeth close to anything made of steel (or gnaw at it) : ) but I do strange things when drunk.

Here is a pic of the said rifle.. a Mosin Nagant M38.. Mine was made in 1941 a shorter version of the Mosin Nagant 91/30 used in the EXCELLENT Sniper movie ENEMY AT THE GATES.

BTW RED BULL rocks. It doesn't mess up my stomach unlike other "energy" drinks and caffeine based drinks. : D it is a great source of ANGST (LOL)

Working 9 to 5 has really mushed my brain.. I need as much angst as I can get from you or anyone.. but admittedly becoming quite ditzy and happy go lucky the past few years is not all bad. However my ditzy brainless attitude is showing in my work.. NOT NOT GOOD.


10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Working a salaryman job 9 to 5 is making you too HAPPY? @_@ Man, a lot of my angst comes from my day job...you're lucky that your work makes you cheery. :) Maybe I should recharge my cell phone in case you need an emergency angst upload in the middle of the day. ;)

100% agreement on the value of attitude problems! :D

Ex Animo

7:03 AM  
Blogger Sniperboy said...

Well I really have to step back on this one... Being HAPPY and CONTENT are two very different things. Being ANGSTY about ones job versus CONTENT can be both helpful yet at the same time, crippling.

I try not to let a relatively comfortable job make me a salaryman-zombie, at the same time I am happy it lets me do what I want to do without worrying to much about finances or other "on paper" issues.

Being too content to the point of relying on security - its a different kind of ANGST.

10:06 AM  

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